
Showing posts from June, 2021

Grant Cardone Sell Or Be Sold Review

The book “ sell or be sold - grant cardone ”:  how to get your way running a business and in life (to supply the book its full title), is for sales representatives or entrepreneurs and about just anybody who needs to persuade, negotiate and convince others to get what they need. Grant says himself “Your power to persuade others determines by itself how you can do in most areas of your life. This book is based on the self-published book by Grant called “sell to survive” that has been reworked and adapted to become his fifth book. ​The book covers twenty two chapters from “selling is just a method of life” to quick tips to conquer the biggest challenges in selling. At he end of each chapter, you are asked a series of questions to see when you yourself have comprehended the main element points of the chapter before continuing with the next chapter. Lets take chapter one; Selling: A Way Of Life in the book. Here Grant divides this chapter under four sub-headings ( I've put a one senten...